Interne graadplasings ( GR 9-12)

Die aansoekproses is as volg:

Inner grade placements (Gr 9-12)

The application process is as follows:


  • Aansoekvorms moet afgehaal word by Hoërskool Dinamika se kantore. | Application forms must be collected from Hoërskool Dinamika’s offices.
  • Voltooi die aansoekvorm volledig. | Complete the application form
  • Die volgende dokumente moet gesertifiseer word: | The following documents must be certified:
  • ID / Paspoort | Passport
  • SA-geboortesertifikaat | SA Birth Certificate
  • Bewys van huisadres | Proof of residence
  • Munisipale rekening NIE OUER AS 3 MAANDE in die naam van die aansoeker se ouer. | Municipal account NOT OLDER THAN 3 MONTHS in the name of the applicant’s
  • Huurders | Tenants:
  • Munisipale rekening NIE OUER AS 3 MAANDE in die naam van die Huiseienaar. | Municipal account NOT OLDER THAN 3 MONTHS in the name of the l
  • ID-van huiseienaar | ID: Landlord
  • Huurooreenkoms geteken deur huurder en verhuurder. | Lease agreement signed by landlord and t
  • Huurbetalingsstrokie NIE OUER AS 3 MAANDE. |Rental payment slip not older than 3 months
  • Enige rekening in die naam van aansoeker met volle fisiese adres. |Any statement of account in the name of the applicant bearing the full physical address.
  • Bewys van werksadres indien onder werksadres aansoek gedoen word. | Proof of work address if applied under work address.
  • Nuutste skoolrapport en portefeuljes moet ingehanding word.| Latest school report and portfolios must be handed in.
  • Die aansoekvorm sowel as die oorspronklike gesertifiseerde dokumente moet ingehandig word by die skool. | The application form as well as the original certified documents must be submitted to the school.

Ouers sal verdere korrespondensie vanaf die skool ontvang. |Parents will receive further correspondence from the school.



Die aansoekproses is as volg: | The application process is as follows:

  • Ouers moet aanlyn aansoek doen by die Gauteng Departement van Onderwys | Parents must apply online at the Gauteng Department of Education.
  • Voltooi die aansoekvorm volledig.| Application forms must be collected from Hoërskool Dinamika’s offices.
  • Die volgende dokumente moet gesertifiseer word: | The following documents must be certified:
  • ID / Paspoort | Passport
  • SA-geboortesertifikaat | SA Birth Certificate
  • Bewys van huisadres | Proof of residence
  • Munisipale rekening NIE OUER AS 3 MAANDE in die naam van die aansoeker se ouer. | Municipal account NOT OLDER THAN 3 MONTHS in the name of the applicant’s
  • Huurders | Tennants:
  • Munisipale rekening NIE OUER AS 3 MAANDE in die naam van die Huiseienaar. | Municipal account NOT OLDER THAN 3 MONTHS in the name of the l
  • ID van huiseienaar | ID- Landlord
  • Huurooreenkoms geteken deur huurder en verhuurder. | Lease agreement signed by landlord and t
  • Huurbetalingstrokie NIE OUERS AS 3 MAANDE. |Rental payment slip not older than 3 months
  • Enige rekening in die naam van aansoeker met volle fisiese adres. |Any statement of account in the name of the applicant bearing the full physical address.
  • Bewys van werksadres indien onder werksadres aansoek gedoen het. | Proof of work address if applied under work address.
  • Die leerder se gr7- skoolrapport moet ingehanding word.|The learner’s Gr7 school report must be handed in.
  • Die aansoekvorm sowel as die oorspronklike gesertifiseerde dokumente moet ingehandig word by die skool. | The application form as well as the original certified documents must be submitted to the school.
  • Hoërskool Dinamika en die Gauteng Departement van Onderwys verifieer al die dokumente | Hoërskool Dinamika and Gauteng Department of Education verify all the documents.
  • Alle graad 8-plasings word deur die Departement van Onderwys gedoen.| All grade 8 placements are done by the Department of Education.

Na plasings sal ouers verdere korrespondensie vanaf die skool ontvang. | After placements, parents will receive further correspondence from the school.

Indien u enige vrae het, kontak asseblief vir mevrou Lotriet of mevrou Labotski: | If you have any queries, please contact mrs Lotriet or mrs Labotski at:

Naomi Lotriet- accounts@namies.co.za

Lientjie Labotski-ontvangs@namies.co.za