Hoërskool Dinamika is gebou op vier pilare /
Hoërskool Dinamika is built on four pillars:

Ons mikpunt is dat ons leerders sal floreer in Hoërskool  Dinamika, sowel as om hulle te help om hulle eie potentiaal te bereik. Ons glo dat die vier pilare waarop Hoërskool Dinamika gebou is, ons leerders sal toerus om sukses te behaal.

Our goal is that learners will thrive in Dinamika, as well as enabling them to reach their full potential. We believe that the four  pillars on which Hoërskool  Dinamika is built will equip our learners to succeed one day.

Akademie/ Academics

Dissipline/ Discipline

Christelike Waardes/ Christian Values

Holistiese ontwikkeling/ Holistic Development.